Do you seek more energy, clarity, and alignment?

Are you committed to offering your deepest service in this life?

Are you ready to unfold playfully into the fullest version of yourself?

Build rhythms for a thriving mind and body.

Align yourself to your work, relationships, and the natural world.

Discover the wild and courageous life that is calling to you.

"Dom has helped me crystallize personal values and live in accordance with them. This has had massive impacts for me personally and professionally — bringing more energy into running my business, deepening the quality of my relationships, and finding more commitment to my decisions.”

CEO, Bluebird Climate

"When I started working with Dom, I was feeling burned out and overwhelmed, and was seeking more embodied presence and balance. Through our work, I reconnected with my sense of self, my sense of strength, and my spirit. He helped me to show up more fully for myself and to lead more authentically and compassionately. Dom guided me back to connection with wildness and the natural world, something I was sorely missing. I recommend working with Dom to anyone who has a profound sense of mission, and wants to honor their love of things wild.

VP, GAF Energy


Through our coaching partnership, you’ll become more at home in this world; ready to offer your energy to the people, projects, and vision that most energize you.


  • We'll dance between inquiry into the foundational questions that drive you, and concrete action items to improve your work, relationships, and lives.

  • We'll draw energy from the more-than-human world. We use rhythm, movement, and breath to work below the cognitive layer of your mind.

  • We'll befriend the parts of you that want to keep you small, and integrate them into your unfolding journey.

  • And most of all, we'll continue to ask “How can you be put to best use in service of life?”

"Dom is one of a rare breed of men that is as skilled at exploring external landscapes as he is internal landscapes. His emotional awareness and attunement helped me to find insight into parts of my own nature and soul I hadn't yet traversed, and to reconnect to my deeper purpose."

Lead AI Negotiation Advisor, Rora

"Before working with Dom, I was hyper focused on work and struggling with balance. I wanted to build more intentionality into my day-to-day, clarify and align with my long term vision, and connect more deeply with the natural world. Working with Dom was extremely supportive for all of the above. His creative coaching helped me reframe my challenges and find novel solutions. I'd absolutely recommend working with Dom. He's thoughtful, extremely knowledgeable, and hyper aware of when and how to be provocative."

Founder & Climate Solutions Consultant, Timberline Strategies